Sunday, September 28, 2008

Pure business intelligence consultancy service provider - artrange data ltd

artrange data ltd, have over a decade of experience in delivering innovative, best value solutions to their clients based on their expert knowledge of business intelligence and Oracle database technology.

artrange data ltd deliver a range of technical services including:

>> design and build of custom Oracle systems
>> data warehouse system build - from Oracle and third party sources
>> Oracle e-Businees Suite implementation, customisation and upgrade
>> Oracle e-Business Suite business intelligence systems
>> performance tuning of Oracle applications including e-Business Suite
>> OLAP system delivery including Oracle Financial Analyzer (OFA)
>> migration options around Oracle Enterprise Planning and Budgeting (EPB)

artrange data ltd provide pure business intelligence consultancy, delivering consistent information from the data locked into multiple systems across clients organ

Links to View:

Oracle consultancy services
Oracle Financial Analyzer
Oracle EPB

Contact Info:

email : for business enquiries
telephone: 08707 65 65 27 (UK)+44 8707 65 65 27 (Int)