Monday, April 28, 2008

Enterprise Data Management solution in CA, USA - Actuate Corporation

Actuate Corporation is dedicated to increasing the richness, interactivity, and effectiveness of enterprise data, for everyone, everywhere. Actuate delivers the next generation RIA-ready information platform for both customer and employee-facing applications.

Actuate offers a platform for creating Rich Internet Applications without limits through a portfolio of content- and application-specific products designed to meet 100% of information and online channel application, Performance Management and Java Reporting needs.

Products offers by Actuate:

Rich Internet Applications
Performance Management
Balanced Scorecard Software
Open Source and Java
Data Integration
Deployment Platform
Actuate 9 Resources
Business Intelligence

Contact Information:

Actuate Corporation
2207 Bridgepointe Parkway, Suite 500
San Mateo,
CA, 94404

Tel: +1-888-422-8828 (N.America)
Sales: +1-800-914-2259 (N.America)
Outside North America: +1-650-645-3000
Java Reporting Experts: +1-800-884-8665
Sales Email: