Sunday, March 23, 2008

Business Integration Solutions In NY, USA - Information Builders

Information Builders was founded with a very simple mission to help organizations access all of their information and deliver it to anyone who needs it. With their simple and agile business intelligence (BI) and integration solutions.

Information Builders' world-class Professional Services organization works with customers to understand their business intelligence and integration needs. Expert consultants bring to the table years of experience helping build effective information architectures and a wide range of applications.

Their training and education group offers a comprehensive curriculum of courses designed to maximize your investment in their products. In addition to regularly scheduled classes, they offer customized courses on customer sites as well as Web-based training.

Solutions Provided by Information Builders:

+ Solutions by industry:
-- Banking and financial services
-- Energy and utilities
-- Government
-- Healthcare
-- Higher education
-- Insurance
-- Manufacturing
-- Pharmaceutical
-- Telecommunications

+ Solutions by function:
-- Call center management
-- Finance
-- Human capital management
-- Sales and marketing

+ Complementary technologies:
-- Google
-- IBM
-- Longview
-- Microsoft
-- SAP

Business activity monitoring
Operational business Intelligence
BI standardization
Performance management

Corporate information:

Information Builders
Two Penn Plaza
New York, NY 10121-2898

Phone (212) 736-4433
Fax (212) 967-6406
Sales Information (800) 969-INFO
Customer Support Services (212) 736-6130